March 4, 2010


  1. I'm loving this picture. And I loooove your yellow dress. Your dolly looks pretty snuggly too!

  2. "Dear Dana, I've been helping my baby out. And my daddy made a hammock on our stools today! And the baby's snuggly and wuggly in the hammock. I gave her a bath, I took her dress off now she's in the hammock. Yesterday I fed her water and she is in the blanket that mommy used to wrap me up in when I was a baby and I can rock her and I got a treasure from the treasure box from school because I was doing so good and I got a gold medal for doing so good and I standed up a rooster that wakes everyone up in the morning that makes the sun go up! Love, Ella."


About Me

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Freelance Writer. Makeup artist. Stylist. Mother of two. Enamored with the Sugar Plum Fairy at the age of 5 and have been inspired by her ever since.
